(7)本系列產(chǎn)品采用了模塊化的設計方法,各規格產(chǎn)品配置齊全,功能完善,而且具有多種多樣的模塊組合方式滿(mǎn) 足用戶(hù)的不同需求。
1. This machine tool is suitable for machining rotary parts with complex shapes. It can be used for turning and milling cylindrical surfaces, curved surfaces, conical surfaces, stepped surfaces, spirals, etc. This product is widely used for parts processing in automobile and bearing industries.
2. The spindle adopts electric spindle, with high speed, large torque and high stability.
3. The machine tool adopts self-made servo cutter table, which improves the machining efficiency.
4. The machine tool can be combined with truss manipulator, loading and unloading machine, workpiece turnover device, detection device, etc. to form a flexible production line, so as to realize the automatic processing of parts and save labor costs.